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Kingsway Elementary School

Kingsway Cougars...Proud to Lead!

Procedural Safeguards

Parents of students with identified disabilities receive information about their rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  These rights, also known as procedural safeguards, describe how parents are a part of the educational decisions made for a student.  Notice of Procedural Safeguards is provided to parents at least annually, upon initial referral for an evaluation, when disciplinary procedures may change a student’s placement, or upon request from the parent.  Notice is also provided during certain procedures that are available to parents to address their concerns.  The Notice of Procedural Safeguards provides parents with information on the parent consent requirements, prior notice of changes in services, confidentiality of student information, discipline procedures, private school placements, and dispute resolution procedures. 

Procedural Safeguards for Pre-K

  • Procedural Safeguard for Pre-K

Procedural Safeguards for Gifted Students